Your hard work could go UP IN FLAMES without the proper kitchen exhaust cleaning your business needs! It’s hard to imagine that something as simple as an unclean exhaust system could lead to a grease fire. Those years of hard work could be all be gone in a short amount of time without API by […]
If you read the graphic above, you’re probably thinking to yourself: 0.002 inches is extremely minimal. Technically, yes… it’s a very small amount. Unless that amount is grease build up in your kitchen hood and exhaust system. When it comes to the cleanliness of your kitchen, this rather small amount adds up very quickly. This […]
A grease fire can wreak havoc on your business! Those that have experienced such an event can attest. Don’t put you business, your staff, and your customers at risk by not maintaining your kitchen exhaust system. Routine cleaning and maintenance is your number one defense in grease fire prevention. Aqua Pro Inc. is an IKECA […]
We’re quite sure if you’re a restaurant owner or kitchen manager, you already understand this. Restaurants, kitchens, and other establishments that serve food to the public are held to extremely tight regulations (depending on state). The important thing to remember as a food service operator is to be prepared for these semi-annual inspections and that’s […]
Don’t let your restaurant fall into this 22% statistic. Reduce your grease fire risk by hiring us. We’re certified kitchen exhaust cleaners that clean grease from the entire system, not just the hood. Call 877-AQUAPRO or contact us to schedule a cleaning.